Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

Your girlfriend has just told you she thinks she might be pregnant, and your heart drops. Your mind is whirling with questions and concerns. She thinks it is early enough in her pregnancy to take the pills for a medical abortion. However, maybe it’s more expensive than you can afford.  Typically, insurance only covers a…

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Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

We understand how sharing your pregnancy decision details with your partner right now can be stressful. You might have questions like: These are all valid questions. While it’s important to hear your partner out, the decision is up to you at the end of the day. Why Clear Communication is Key It’s always best to…

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Are you worried about the potential mental effects of abortion? Maybe you’re considering multiple options right now and need clarity. You are not alone in your journey. Abortion has a significant impact not only physically but mentally for many women. In a study following women who had an abortion, 81% of women were at an…

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I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Abortion is not your only option when it comes to your unplanned pregnancy. We know it feels scary to navigate through your questions and concerns right now, but remember that you have options. Take a breath – you are not alone. Is Adoption Right for Me? Adoption is another option to consider when facing an…

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