Are you considering your adoption and parenting options but need more information? You know you don’t want an abortion, but you’re trying to make the best decision moving forward regarding an unplanned pregnancy. You are not alone; we’re here to better equip you with the information you need.

Considering Adoption?

Adoption is one choice you may not have thought about. Choosing adoption could be right for you if:

  • You’re not ready to be a parent
  • Abortion isn’t an option for you
  • Your current relationship or living situation isn’t safe for a child
  • You want to provide a financially and emotionally stable environment

There are three types of adoption plans to choose from, depending on what works best for your lifestyle. 

  1. Open adoption is the most common adoption, where birth mothers can select and meet the adoptive family their child is born. Relationships between the birth mother, child, and adoptive family are made through visitations, phone calls, etc.. All identifying information like full names, addresses, and phone numbers. 
  2. Closed adoption: Sometimes distance is better due to safety concerns. If you would rather not have contact with the adoptive family, you can choose a closed adoption. With a closed adoption, the adoption agency would choose a family based on your preferences. All identifying information is sealed, and no contact will be made with your child. 
  3. Semi-open adoption: As the birth mother, this plan allows you to contact the adoptive family as you have contact with the adoptive family and your child. All communication is made through a third party, like an adoption agency. It’s more private than an open adoption because you don’t share any identifying information. 

We can help answer your adoption questions and concerns at Grace Women’s Care Center. Our team is here to support you in your unique pregnancy journey.

Considering Parenting?

Do you need help figuring out where to begin regarding parenting? We know it can seem like a scary responsibility, but parenthood brings life and joy like no other. You may have numerous questions about parenting, including:  

  • Who will support me?
  • What about my job?
  • What about my schooling?
  • How do I support a child financially?
  • What kind of support is available to me?

Talk to our caring team at Grace Women’s Care Center to learn more about what’s available to you as a parent. We have free resources to help support you in this journey.

You will never have this day again, so make it count.