Are you considering adoption after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant? You are not alone in the process. Get the facts so you can make an informed decision regarding adoption.

While there are financial resources available for women to help with pregnancy-related costs, receiving payment in exchange for placing your baby for adoption is illegal. Keep reading to learn more about adoption and financial support options. 

Is Adoption for Me?

Adoption is the process of a parent/s assuming the legal rights of a child who is not biologically theirs. You have three adoption plan options to choose from:

Open adoption: With open adoption, all parties share all identifying information. Contact made between you and your child may include in-person visitations, phone calls, letters, sharing photos, or through emails.

Closed adoption: This is the most private adoption option, where information is concealed for the birth mother’s privacy. Closed adoptions may include some sharing of photos or letters. It’s up to you and the adoptive family to decide. You or the adoptive family could refuse or accept any information.

Semi-open adoption: This type of adoption is completed through a mediator – most likely an adoption agency. Photographs and letters can be exchanged, but no identifying information is disclosed. Both the adoptive parents and birth mom in this type of adoption can continue to keep in touch if desired.

Financial Resources 

Many resources are available to help you financially and emotionally if you decide this is the option for you. 

Many adoption agencies offer mental health counseling before, during, and after the adoption process to ensure you feel informed and supported. There is financial support available to women to cover medical costs associated with pregnancy and birth. 

It’s important to know that receiving payment in exchange for placing your baby for adoption is illegal. Avoid any adoption agency that uses this type of language. 

At Grace Women’s Care Center, we are here to share more adoption information with you. Contact us today to learn more about all your options and get the resources you need to make a confident decision for your future. We’re here for you.

You will never have this day again, so make it count.